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The Reisenbach Reunion Group is a group of X-Gi's, that were in the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force and stationed at Reisenbach  Germany from the early 50's to 1969,  their families, German Nationals and other friends of these Gi's.


Our sole purpose is to keep in contact with one another, renew old friendships, encourage new ones, and not let too many years come between us by holding Group Reunions every few years.


We have had four successful reunions so far, one at Nags Head, North Carolina in 1975 and three at Branson, Missouri in 2000, 2002 and 2004.  Our next reunion is planned for the late summer (Sept) of 2006, the location will be Branson, Mo.  Whether or not you are interested in attending our reunion please contact us.  We have a newsletter that is published four times a year that you might want to receive.


Contact:  The Reisenbach Reunion Group

See Reunion 2002 Click HERE


We are trying to locate the following X-Reisenbachers


From the U.S. Air Force 2060th / 12th  Radio Relay Squadron:


  George Espinet HOR N.Y, NY.

    Bob Fowler HOR ?            

   Ronald Rasmussen HOR St. Charles IL.

     Chuck Ruby HOR

  Dennis Blanchard  Fl.

    James Woods HOR ?    USAF Retired     


   Pete Sellers  Tx.    

    Rich Mileski  ?        

  Mike Bissonnete  ?

    Terry Thomas  ?       


From the U.S. Army 34th Signal Battalion 

(7th Corps):


  Ken Nelson HOR ND. or SD.

    Marion Robenson HOR Mn.


  Bill Heiser PA.

    Bill  "BigMan"Everhart NC.   


  Jess Berrios  TX.

    Larry Dunn  OH.


  Frank Alcala  TX.

    John Clements  AL.


  Jack Clark  KY.

    Bill Earnest  MD.


  Ray Weston  IL.



From the U.S. Army 7th Army Signal Support:


     Hercules Apostolidis HOR N.Y.

    Bill Evans HOR ?             

  John Fincel HOR Phoenix AZ.

       Egon Glass HOR NJ.         

  SSG.  Pross  HOR ?  USA Retired

From the U.S. Army 123rd Signal Battalion
(3rd Infantry Division):

  SGT. Leon Daniels , GA.  USA Retired

    PFC. Robert Eljay HOR  SD.




Contact:  The Reisenbach Reunion Group